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1、 C6C64C64T C6C64C64T 连接维护说明书
Correctly connect the output side (terminal U, V, W). The servomotor will not run properly if incorrectly connected. Always install an AC reactor per each power supply unit. Alw
2、 C6C64C64T C6C64C64T 参数说明书(eng).pdf
Set up a compensation factor for reducing a control error in the reduction of a corner roundness and arch radius. Indicates a maximum control error (mm) in parentheses. The larger the
3、 C6C64C64T C6C64C64T 参数说明书
(1) Word and address A word is a collection of characters arranged in a specific sequence. This entity is used as the unit for processing data and for causing the machine to execute specifi
4、 C6C64C64T C6C64C64T 编程说明书 (M系)
For items described in "Restrictions" or "Usable State", the instruction manual issued by the machine manufacturer takes precedence over this manual. An effort has been made to note as man
5、 C6C64C64T C6C64C64T 编程说明书 (M系)
(1) Address check This function enables simple checking of progr am addresses in word units. If the alphabetic characters are continuous, the program error (P32) will occur. Availability of t
6、 C6C64C64T C6C64C64T 编程说明书 (M系)
在ISO 码中,从控制出“(”起至控制入“)”(或“;”)止的所有信息均被视为无效。 定显示装置。因此,可在此间输入与指令纸带的名称编号等控制没有直接关系的信息。 但是,纸带存储时此间的信息(“纸带码一览表”的(B)除外)也被存储。 电源接通时为控制入状态。
7、 C6C64C64T C6C64C64T 编程说明书 (L系)
校验检查是检查纸带是否正确作成的一种方法。它是检查打在纸带的编码有无错误的方法,可用校验V 及校验H 两种方法检查。 (1) 校验H 校验H 是检查是构成一个字符的孔数是否正确,适用于纸带运转、纸带输入、顺序编号呼叫等情况。 以下情况会产生校验H 错误。 (a ) ISO码 在有意义数据区间中,码的孔是奇数个。 (例1) 校验H 错误的例子(ISO 码时
8、 C6C64C64T -C6C64C64T PLC接口说明书(eng)
Introduction This manual describes the various signal interfaces and functions required when creating MELDAS C6/C64/C64T sequence programs (built-in PLC). Read this manual thoroughly bef
9、 C6C64C64T C6C64C64T DDB接口说明书
(Note 1) The unit systems B and C are settings for t he setup parameters (basic specification parameters: #1003 iunit). This may differ according to the machine type. (Note 2) The un
10、 C6C64C64T C6C64C64T DDB接口说明书
(Note 1) The unit systems B and C are settings for t he setup parameters (basic specification parameters: #1003 iunit). This may differ according to the machine type. (Note 2) The un
11、 C6C64C64T C6C64C64T DDB接口说明书
This is a parameter for the maximum spindle speed of each gear step. (This corresponds to the setup paramet er, spindle parameter smax1 to 4.) The CNC creates the spindle gear shift command 1
12、 C6C64 C6C64 规格说明书
Ff1 : Feed rate (1) The arc plane is designated by G17, G18 or G19. (2) G02 or G03 is used to designate the direction of the arc rotation. (3) Absolute or incremental values can be as
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