1、 manual -manual_J3+全闭环
Wire the equipment correctly and securely. Otherwise, the servo motor may operate unexpectedly.
Do not install a power capacitor, surge absorber or radio noise filter (FR-BIF optio
2、 manual -manual_J2S-B(英文)
Securely attach the servo motor to the machine. If attach insecurely, the servo motor may come off during
The servo motor with reduction gear must be installed in the spe
4、-manual -manual_ib0300133a-用户手册(ENGLISH)
(3) Transportation and installation
Transport the product with the correct method according to the mass.
Use the servomotor suspension bolts only for the transportation of the ser
5、 manual -manual_ib0300114a-虚模式
A - 4
Set the parameter values to those that are compatible with the Motion controller, servo amplifier,
servomotor and regenerative resistor model and the system application. The protecti
6、 manual -manual_ib0300113b-实模式(ENGLISH)
Set the parameter values to those that are compatible with the Motion controller, servo amplifier,
servomotor and regenerative resistor model and the system application. The pr
10、 M70070 -M70070系列 规格说明书
1. Items related to product and manual
The items that are not described in this manual must be interpreted as "not possible".
This manual is written on the assumption that all option
11、 M70070 -M70070系列 编程说明书(M系)
(1) G代码、进给、辅助功能
(2) 数据格式
(a) 可选程序段跳跃“/”
(b) Control In“(”及Control ou