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1、 FX -FX-10DM-E 用户 手册
The following products have shown compliance through direct testing (to the identified stan- dards) and design analysis (forming a technical construction file) to the European Directive for Elec
2、 FX -FX-4DA 用户指南
Offset data BFM W #8(E) Offset/gain setting command CH1, CH2 Initial value H0000 #9(E) Offset/gain setting command CH3, CH4 Initial value H0000 #10 Offset data CH1 *1 Unit:mV
3、 FX -FX-4AD-TC 用户指南
The compensating cables that can be used for connecting with the thermocouple are the following. Type K: KX-G, KX-GS, KX-H, KX-HS, WX-G, WX-H, VX-G Type J : JX-G, JX-H For every 10 Ω of
4、 FX -FX-4AD 用户指南
1 The analog input is received through a twisted pair shielded cable. This cable should be wired separately from power lines or any other lines which may induce electrical noise. 2 If a voltage
5、 FX -FX-4AD 用户指南
1 The analog input is received through a twisted pair shielded cable. This cable should be wired separately from power lines or any other lines which may induce electrical noise. 2 If a voltage
6、 FX -FX-2PIF 用户指南
Caution:- PC Power Supply Overload When using the FX-2PIF with peripherals that draw power from the PC, care should be taken not to overload the PC. If this happens, the normal operation of p
7、 FX -FX-2DA 用户指南
*4 Connect the ground terminal on the FX-2DA with the ground terminal on the base unit of the programmable controller. Use class 3 grounding on the base unit, if available. *1 Use a twisted
8、 FX -FX-2DA 用户指南
*4 Connect the ground terminal on the FX-2DA with the ground terminal on the base unit of the programmable controller. Use class 3 grounding on the base unit, if available. 1 Use a twisted
9、 FX -FX-2AD-PT 用户指南
Use crimp terminations of the type indicated on the left. Secure the termination using a tightening torque of between 5 and 8 kg•cm. Wire only to the module terminals discussed in this
10、 FX -FX-1HC 用户指南
on〉 〉 〉 〉 〉 l Use crimp terminals of the dimensions specified in the left figure. l Secure the terminals using a tightening torque of 0.5 to 0.8 N•m (5 to
11、 FX -FX-1GM HANDY 手册
三菱-FX-1GM HANDY 手册
12、 FX3U -FX3U-USB-BD 用户 手册
This manual confers no industrial property rights or any rights of any oth nor does it confer any patent licenses. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation c held responsible for any problems involving
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