当前位置:首页 >> 资料下载 >> 三菱 >> 伺服系统 >> 三菱 MELSECNET10 三菱-MELSECNET10 network 模块 type 用户手册
三菱 MELSECNET10 三菱-MELSECNET10 network 模块 type 用户手册 ( 硬件 )
所属类别:三菱 >> 伺服系统

z Always connect the FG terminals to the ground using class D (class 3) or
higher grounding exclusively designed for programmable controller.
z When connecting cables to the terminal block for external power supply,
check the rated voltage and terminal layout of the product for correct wiring.
Connecting a cable to power supply of different voltage or incorrect wiring
may cause a fire or fault.
z Tighten terminal screws to the specified torque.
If a terminal screw is not tightened to the specified torque, it the module may
fall out, short circuit, or malfunction.
If a terminal screw is tightened excessively, exceeding the specified torque,
the module may fall out, short circuit, or malfunction due to breakage of the
screw or the module.
z Solder the coaxial cable connector properly. Incomplete soldering may
cause a malfunction.
z Be sure there are no foreign substances such as sawdust or wiring debris
inside the module. Such debris could cause fires, damage, or erroneous
z Make sure to place the communication and power cables into a duct or
fasten them using a clamp.
Cables not placed in the duct or not clamped may hang or shift, allowing