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1、 SH -SH(NA)-080795ENG
[WIRING PRECAUTIONS] CAUTION Always ground the shielded cables for the programmable controller. There is a risk of electric shock or malfunction. For wiring and connection, properly press,
2、 SH -SH(NA)-080726ENG
[WIRING PRECAUTIONS] CAUTION For wiring and connection, properly crimp or solder the connector with the tools specified by the manufactures and attach the connector to the module securely. Be
3、 SH -SH(NA)-080722ENG
A - 2 [WIRING PRECAUTIONS] CAUTION Always ground the shielded cables for the programmable controller. There is a risk of electric shock or malfunction. For wiring and connection, properly
4、 SH -SH(NA)-080708
危险 ● 应在可编程控制器的外部设置安全电路,当外部电源异常及可编程控制器设备故障时,能够确保整个 系统的安全。 误输出、误动作有可能导致发生事故。 (1) 应在可编程控制器的外部设置异常停止电路以及定位控制的上限 / 下限等的防止机械损坏的互锁 电路等。 (2) 机械原点复归控制通过原点复归方向及原点复归速度这 2个数据进行控制,通过定位夹具 ON开始 减速。如果设置了错
5、 SH -SH(NA)-080699ENG
[DESIGN PRECAUTIONS] DANGER Do not write data into the "system area" of the buffer memory of intelligent function modules. Also, do not use any "prohibited to use" signals as an output signal t
6、 SH -SH(NA)-080683ENG
Provide a safety circuit outside the programmable controller so that the entire system will opera safely even when an external power error or programmable controller failure occurs. Failure to
7、 SH -SH(NA)-080648ENG
A - 1 [DESIGN PRECAUTION] DANGER Do not write data into the "system area" of the buffer memory of intelligent function modules. Also, do not use any "prohibited to use" signals as an out
8、 SH -SH(NA)-080647ENG
[DESIGN PRECAUTION] DANGER Do not write data into the "system area" of the buffer memory of intelligent function modules. Also, do not use any "prohibited to use" signals as an output signa
9、 SH -SH(NA)-080647ENG
[DESIGN PRECAUTION] DANGER Do not write data into the "system area" of the buffer memory of intelligent function modules. Also, do not use any "prohibited to use" signals as an output signa
10、 SH -SH(NA)-080644ENG
Do not bunch the control wires or communication cables with the main circuit or power wires, or install them close to each other. They should be installed 100 mm (3.94 inch) or more from each o
11、 SH -SH(NA)-080578ENG
Be sure to tighten the screws using the specified torque. If the screws are loose, it may cause a short circuit, malfunctions or a drop of the module. Overtightening the screws may damage the
12、 SH -SH(NA)-080446ENG
controller, be sure to read the manual carefully and thoroughly confirm the safety. Especially in the above mentioned control operations that are performed from an external device to a remot
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